Tuesday, August 28, 2007

There are very few places on the internet where people have posted 'a day in the life' of kids who live in orphanages. I don't claim to know more than everyone else, but I have lived in one, and have observed from a rather unique point of view - living in the orphanage, 24/7, for over a year, having come from a great home in a different country.

The images and stories will, for lack of a better word, haunt me the rest of my days. It has changed everything - seeing, and knowing, and learning, about life for these kids. I have this small window of time to share now with you all, my observations from 'the trenches', as the kids call their dorm building.

My intention in writing is to give you a picture of what life is really like, as I have seen and understand. It is complex - a spiderweb of rules, pecking orders, joys, sorrows, and a worldview that is specifically unique and shapes who these kids become, when they grow up and leave orphanage life for the 'big, bad world' - even 40 years down the road, kids are shaped by their childhoods and become that which they were raised to become.

Your comments and observations are totally welcome!


votemom said...

thank you so much for starting this blog. i will be checking it frequently.

Pam said...

I am already hooked. Thank you Jenni.